Environmental Concern
Environment preservation and sustainability is everyone's responsibility.
Aware that we must contribute to the preservation of the environment, TWISTI was designed with this concern in mind.

In this sense, these are TWISTI contribution factors on this issue:
> The TWISTI component materials are designed to allow to be separated at the end of their life cycle allowing their components or parts to be reused, recycled or otherwise separated from the waste stream.
> TWISTI is designed to provide long-term use, based on its durability, which results in a reduction of waste and a considerable resource savings.
> TWISTI reaches an extraordinary value with respect to the reuse of recycled material, superior to 50% of the total composition. The recycled material used on the production of TWISTI do not compromise their quality and performance.
> The PANELSOUND acoustic felt, backing the TWISTI rolls and tiles, give each year new life to thousands of plastic PET bottles, recovered for recycling.
> Waste from TWISTI production, a relatively unchanged material, is reused during the manufacturing process, a practice in accordance with the norm ISO 14020:1999.
> TWISTI complies with the REACH requirements.
> The TWISTI packaging was designed to have the lowest environmental impact, by using 100% recycled cardboard boxes for the tiles and 100% recycled kraft paper, with a minimal recycled PP film for moisture protection for the rolls.
> Nor less important, our concern towards environment protection begins right from the start in the way our marketing material is designed. Instead of producing expensive heavy catalogues, which is noting more than a waste of resources, TWISTI bets on the rational and responsible use of light and recycled marketing materials, where the environmental concerns comes first. In this sense, whether the paper or cardboard is used in TWISTI technical or commercial information or in a samples catalogue and the use of resources is minimized, whilst ensuring its function. We are certain that this option of ours is appreciated by architects and designers.
> Twisti Environmental Declaration in accordance with the norm EN ISO 14020:1999.